
Waves of Freedom.

Easkey Britton is an Irish artist, scientist, professional surfer and Ph.D. She's also the co-founder of Waves of Freedom, an organization that aims to empower vulnerable members of society through surf. Her efforts to bring the sport to the women of Iran (who will be the first ever in their country to surf) has been chronicled in the upcoming documentary Into the Sea.

According to the WoF website: "At the core of Waves of Freedom is how surfing can become a medium to empower those who are most vulnerable in society...surfing is not just a sport but a lifestyle and an art-form synonymous with freedom and creative self-expression. Waves of Freedom has grown from a belief that the ocean does not discriminate."

Learn more at Waves of Freedom, here. See also: Skateistan, a non-profit that teaches children in Kabul, Cambodia, South Africa, and Afghanistan to skate.


  1. This is so cool. Thanks for sharing this!

  2. This is so great and amazing, I feel like surfing is pretty fearless too and at the same time, the way people talk about it sounds like a meditative practice!

  3. I had heard about the first female surfers in Iran, but didn't know there was a documentary about it. I can't wait to see it!

  4. You know the way to my heart.

  5. Yes! This is exactly the kind of work I hope to do someday. Okay, maybe not surfing since I don't know how to swim or surf, but working for some sort of nonprofit that does some good in the world.



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