
Go, Gunther.

Gunther Holtorf is 77-years-old and has only just returned from a road trip that spanned more than two decades — 24 years to be exact. Over that period of time, he's visited 215 countries, traveled more than half a million miles, and contracted malaria five times — and he's done it all in the same car, which has been outfitted to include a mattress and storage space for everyday necessities. 

Initially, the trip was only supposed to last 18 months, but, as Gunther tells DW, "The more you [travel], the more you realize how little you have seen."

More, in the spirit of non-traditional travel: urban camping, life swaps, paying homage to fiction.

Visit Gunther's Facebook, here. Photographs: Gunther Holtorf/ via Daily Mail.


  1. Can you imagine a 20-year trip? I'm scared to commit to a one MONTH trip! Amazing!


  2. Feeling wanderlust to the extreme!

  3. This is one of the best things I have ever read. I love the Daily Mail article. Thank you so much for sharing! Bookmarking this to return to again and again. What an amazing story!

  4. Crazy! I have nomadic tendencies, but this might be too much. Also, malaria five times? No thank you!

  5. Go Gunther go!! I did 6 months in SEA and craving more. What an inspiration and proof you can do it at any age! Love.

  6. that is wonderfully inspiring! i love to see people who are not just passionate about something but actually go out into the world and persue it!

  7. Daina, I'm so glad you loved it as much as I did!



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